As of September 1, 2020, 0hrs, the Hungarian Government imposed new restrictive entry measures to Hungary, effective for 1 month. These measures are reinstating border control on the Schengen border. The former color code system has been abolished.

Hungarian nationals can enter Hungary after a health screening on the border. Upon entry, they have to go to 2 weeks house quarantine. The quarantine order can be shortened by two negative PCR tests, within 5 days, with 48 hrs difference between two tests. Tests cannot be done abroad and beforehand.

Same regulation applies to the following persons:

family members of Hungarian nationals, regardless of nationality
any person with Hungarian residency permit and their family members that proven by legal documents.
any person holding a long term (over 90 days) Hungarian visa
professional athletes or anyone working for a Hungarian sports organization coming back to Hungary from an international sports event proved by official documents


Non-Hungarian nationals – in general – cannot enter Hungary, with few exceptions:

persons who have to present themselves in front of a court for legal purposes, proven by official documents from a Hungarian court;
business travel or work related entry, with an invitation letter signed by either a central governmental administrative body, an autonomous regulatory body or an autonomous state administration body;
persons with healthcare appointment, with an official letter from the destination healthcare institution;
foreign students studying in Hungarian universities;
travel related to freight traffic – foreign nationals can be transported to the place of origin of a transport job and can be taken back home, proven by the employer;
attending family events (marriage, christening, funeral);
taking care of a relative;
attending important, international sports, cultural and religious events; or
any reasonable reasons beyond the aforementioned points.


Request of entry has to be submitted electronically on the known platform, on the website of the Hungarian Police ( Beyond stating the reason for entry, all requests has to be accompanied with official documents. Groups travelling together may submit one case together. The aforementioned quarantine rules and requirements apply here as well.


The new regulation does not apply to transit freight traffic, entering the country with diplomatic passports and people who went through COVID-19 before and has proof of it.


Cross-border commuting is possible under the new regulations. Anyone living within 30 kms from the Hungarian border and works in Hungary or vice versa, can enter Hungary with proof of employment, with the condition to return to the country of origin within 24 hours.


Transit traffic - if the health screening upon entry does not detect any proof of sickness - can legally enter the Schengen Area, with a proof of destination and with sufficient permit to enter the destination country. During the transit, they cannot deviate from the assigned route and have to leave Hungary within 24 hrs.


Business travel of executives and employees working for parent- and subsidiary companies of Hungarian companies are allowed to enter Hungary without restriction if they are in the possession of sufficient proof of business.


Professional athletes (not spectators!) wishing to participate in an international sports event organized in Hungary may enter if they are in the possession of an official invitation by the organizers. Any professional athlete, invited by an official Hungarian sports organization, can enter Hungary without quarantine, if:

they are in possession of proof of two negative PCR tests within 5 days, and 48 hrs apart;
if they are acting in accordance with UEFA protocol, which requires one negative PCR test within 3 days prior entry.



For further information please see: 



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