
Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs signs the book of condolences at the Hungarian Embassy

On 27 January, at the Embassy of Hungary in Riga, Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs offered his personal deepest condolences to Ambassador Adrien Müller in relation to a bus crash in the north of Italy, when sixteen Hungarian citizens, including students, died and several were injured.
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Exhibitions and Fairs in Budapest!

We would like to draw the attention of Latvian companies to the possibility to present their products and services on the biggest professional fairs and exhibitions at Hungexpo in the heart of Central Europe – in Budapest
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National day of mourning (January 23, 2017)

The Hungarian Government has declared a national day of mourning for January 23, Monday in memory of the victims who died in the coach accident in Italy. In the inapprehensible moments of grief, our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends affected by the tragedy.
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Two Hungarian Holocaust related movies this year on the program commemorating January, 27, the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in Riga

Documentary Carl Lutz the forgotten hero on 24 January at 18.00 at the EU House (Aspazijas boulevard 28) organized by the Embassy of Switzerland. El Angel de Budapest feature movie and documentary on 25 January at 18.00 at the EU House (Aspazijas boulevard 28) organized by the Embassy of Spain.
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Latvian National Television’s report about the Hungarian Christmas Exhibition in the Art Nouveau Museum of Riga (22 December, 2016)

Latvian National Television reported about the Hungarian Christmas exhibition opened by our Embassy in the Art Nouveau Museum of Riga.
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