Hungarian film gets Golden Bear at Berlinale – VIDEO Budapest, February 18 (MTI) – Hungarian director Ildikó Enyedi’s film On Body and Soul (in Hungarian: Testről és Lélekről) fetched the Golden Bear prize at the 67th Berlin International Film Festival on Saturday. |
A világ 10 legszebb hídja közé választották a Lánchidat. Mi mindig tudtuk, hogy gyönyörű a Lánchíd, de most már szerencsére mások is felfigyeltek a szépségére.A Traveler magazin állított össze egy listát a legszebb hidakról a világon. Azt írják, csak azért, mert a hidaknak fontos funkciójuk van, és mindenki számára könnyen elérhetőek, használhatóak, még nem jelenti azt, hogy unalmas lennének |
7 kid-friendly spas in Hungary ![]()
The kid-friendliness of a destination can be a crucial aspect in case of family holidays. Luckily, there are several Hungarian spas where children can play and paddle happily, while their parents are also having a great time. collected seven family-friendly spas, which offer great programmes and relaxation for all age groups. |
Great Hungarian inventions – QUIZ Something Hungarians have always been good at are inventions, innovations. Hungarian masterminds surprised the world throughout history with amazing inventions that form part of our everyday lives today. We put together a quiz with some of the most outstanding Hungarian inventions and we are curious to see the results. |
Nostalgic Collection Of The Best Old-School Hungarian Cartoons In Hungary Today’s weekly series “Thursday Top Ten” our readers can learn about the most interesting things one can find about Hungary in connection with a given topic. Following last week’s article about those buildings and architectural sights of Hungary that were constructed during the Communist era (1945-1990), now we collected the top ten most iconic Hungarian cartoons. |
2017 calendar of Budapest festivals and events The Hungarian capital boasts many exciting events all year round, including local food fairs, rowdy music festivals, inspiring art displays, invigorating sports matches, spectacular national holidays, and so much more. In this continually updated guide, we present the basics about all kinds of public gatherings happening in Budapest throughout 2017, including links for more information on every event – whether you’re visiting Budapest sometime this year or you live in the city and want to learn what’s going on around town, this handy guide has you covered! |
Hungary to celebrate 500th anniversary of Reformation in Europe with 400 events The program will include a commemorative session in Hungarian Parliament’s upper chamber, a rock version of Handel's oratorio Messiah, an art performance and much more. Hungary is planning on celebratiing the 500th anniversary of Reformation in Europe with around 400 events, it has been reported. |
Hungarian Composer Zoltán Kodály’s Music Education Method Added to UNESCO World Heritage List Speaking to Hungarian news agency MTI, Hungary’s Human Resources Minister, Zoltán Balog, has announced that Hungarian composer and educator Zoltán Kodály’s method for learning and preserving folk culture has made it onto UNESCO’s World Heritage List following the association’s meeting in Addis Ababa. The Kodály method, which stresses the idea that the preservation of musical heritage should start at an early age, was chosen as an Intangible Cultural Heritage. |
Top 10 unique things to do in Budapest Whether it’s playing chess alfresco while soaking in thermal waters, eating a crispy lángos snack of deep-fried dough, or embarking on an epic night out hopping between hip ruin pubs, Budapest offers many activities that cannot be experienced anywhere else in the world. Among all of the not-to-be-missed experiences to discover in the Magyar metropolis, we’ve rounded up a collection of ten must-try sensations to help you draft the ultimate Budapest bucket list.
Top 10 indoor things to do in Budapest Whether you are taking a quick trip to the Hungarian capital or are staying here for years, step inside any of these striking urban settings to get unique insider perspectives on assorted Budapest attractions. From monumental sights to classic coffeehouses to underground caverns, a wide variety of sheltered destinations welcome visitors citywide to spend unforgettable days and nights amid buzzing metropolitan sites no matter what the weather brings. |
Outstanding Hungarian inventions – An unusual video on Hungarian excellence Graphic designer Gábor Filkor has created a pop-up book featuring some of the most notable Hungarian scientists and engineers, whose inventions and significant contributions to their field made a mark on the world. |