As part of the commemorative events in Latvia related to the 60th Anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and Freedom Fight, and upon the initiative of the Embassy of Hungary in Latvia, artist János Brückner made an installation entitled „The Power of Symbols”. The Like-Print installation was inspired by the 1956 Hungarian Revolution and by the thoughts of István Bibó: "A prerequisite to democracy, to the people's rule is that those under oppression rid themselves of the social and more importantly, psychological pressure exerted by the structures of power and rulership above them." (István Bibó: Peasant Party and Revolutionary, 1947).
The Like-Print was inaugurated on the 4th of October, 2016 by the Ambassador of Hungary, Ms. Adrien Müller and by the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Latvian Parliament, Mr. Ojars Eriks Kalnins. The like-print invited the audience to actively participate in the preparation of art. By putting your “likes”, the installation comes alive!
The installation was supported by the Memorial Committee for 1956.